Telegram has reached a significant milestone, becoming profitable for the first time in its history, three years after the platform began monetizing its services. In 2024, the messenger’s revenue surpassed $1 billion, marking a key achievement for the platform.
Key Growth Metrics and Innovations
According to Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the platform has seen notable growth this year. The number of Telegram Premium subscribers has tripled, now exceeding 12 million, while advertising revenue has also increased significantly. As a result, Telegram’s total revenue in 2024 exceeded $1 billion, and the platform is closing the year with over $500 million in cash reserves, excluding cryptocurrency assets.
Durov highlighted that the company introduced several new monetization features throughout the year, including mini-apps, stars, gifts, Telegram Business, and Telegram Gateway. These innovations, he believes, demonstrate that social media platforms can remain financially sustainable while staying independent and respecting user rights. We’ll keep you updated as more integrations become available.
Revenue Growth and Future Prospects
Telegram’s financial statements show impressive growth compared to the previous year. In 2023, the service generated $342 million in revenue, with operating expenses of $108 million and a tax loss of $173 million. However, in the first half of 2024, Telegram’s advertising revenue hit $120 million, more than double the amount from the same period last year. Subscription sales have also risen significantly, contributing $119 million, a sharp increase from the $32 million recorded in the first half of 2023. As a result, Telegram’s overall revenue grew to $353 million, with $348 million coming from the sale of Toncoin cryptocurrency.
Looking ahead, Telegram is considering an initial public offering (IPO), adds NIX Solutions. Durov mentioned earlier this year that the company had received a preliminary valuation of $30 billion or more in anticipation of the IPO. While the exact timing of this move remains uncertain, Telegram continues to evolve as a major player in the messaging and digital services industry.