NIX Solutions: Ramp’s Meeting Cost Calculator Extension

American fintech startup Ramp has recently introduced a new Chrome extension designed to calculate the dollar value of meetings scheduled in Google Calendar. This initiative aims to empower managers with data-driven insights to assess the importance of various meetings within their organizations.

NIX Solutions

Streamlining Meetings and Productivity

The Meeting Cost Calculator, integrated seamlessly with Google Calendar, offers users the flexibility to customize their hourly payment rates as the basis for calculating meeting costs. By default, the extension employs a rate of $100 per hour per person. This innovative tool underscores Ramp’s commitment to eliminating unnecessary meetings by quantifying their monetary value, enabling teams to make more informed choices about when and how they convene.

User Feedback and Challenges

While the Meeting Cost Calculator has garnered attention for its potential to enhance productivity, it has also faced criticism. Some users have reported instances where the extension generated seemingly random figures rather than accurate estimates. Despite such feedback, Ramp’s endeavor to optimize corporate processes and streamline decision-making remains at the forefront of its mission.

American fintech startup Ramp, co-founded by Eric Gliman and Karim Atieh, specializes in providing comprehensive solutions for businesses, including corporate cards, corporate travel expense management, vendor payments, and more, notes NIX Solutions. In August 2023, the company successfully secured $300 million in funding, valuing the startup at $5.8 billion—a noteworthy achievement, albeit with a slight decrease in valuation compared to its previous funding round.