Google has announced the launch of new tools based on generative neural networks aimed at advertisers. They are designed to create titles, descriptions and product images in ad units that appear along with search queries.
The IT giant is confident that new AI tools will be able to be used not only by advertising agencies, but also by enterprises that do not have their own creative staff. By using short text prompts, users can sort through text and accompanying images generated by neural networks until they find something suitable to advertise their products. Google has also assured that no two identical images will ever be generated, which will help avoid situations where different companies advertise their products using the same image.
The step-by-step ad generator is designed for “Best Performance Campaigns” available on the Google advertising platform. Using the generator, you can generate advertising messages toGoogle has unveiled a tool that will allow advertisers to create content using generative artificial intelligence. be placed in different places, including search results.
In addition to this, users have access to an image editing algorithm, which in terms of capabilities repeats the Magic Editor that appeared in the new Pixel 8 smartphones, otes NIXSolutions. The image editor can be used to update pictures accompanying advertisements. In this case, it is not necessary to completely change the image; instead, you can adjust its individual elements in order to ultimately get an updated picture.