Coca-Cola Corporation will make retail a priority in its work after the lifting of restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to ua-retail. The financial director of the company, John Murphy, noted that such tactics will allow Coca-Cola to “become stronger” after the crisis.
Announcing the company’s plans after leaving the lockdown, he emphasized that the corporation plans to focus on the development of offline trading and the restoration of retail stores. At the same time, self-isolation of consumers and other restrictions caused sales growth in online stores, so Coca-Cola will focus on e-commerce along with offline in its work.
Now online trading accounts for a small fraction of the company’s business. John Murphy believes that post-crisis time can be a “turning point”, and online direction will begin to play a greater role in a short period of time.
Coca-Cola will fade into the background with changes in the tactics of mergers and acquisitions. The CFO also emphasized that the company will review its innovation plans in order to focus on the release of larger new products.
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