NIXsolutions: Analytics 4 Gets New Help and Recommendation Options

The Google Analytics 4 team has enhanced user support for mobile app advertising within the interface. These additions aim to streamline user interaction and emphasize integration possibilities with Google Play, as highlighted in the Google Analytics 4 help section.

NIX Solutions

Enhanced Help Features

The help button, situated in the upper right corner, now presents users with four distinct options:

  1. Learn About This Page: Detailed instructions on utilizing features specific to the current page in Google Analytics.
  2. Start Tour: A guided tour showcasing key tools available on the current page.
  3. Additional Help: Directs users to the Google Analytics Help Center for comprehensive assistance.
  4. Send Feedback: Opens a dialogue with the support service for user queries and feedback.

New Recommendation for Android Apps

Google Analytics now provides a recommendation for users promoting Android mobile apps not affiliated with Google Play, adds NIXsolutions. The site encourages linking Play Console accounts to Google Analytics, granting access to vital reports. These reports offer metrics for purchases and subscriptions, enabling users to:

  • Determine the application’s audience.
  • Measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.