NIXsolutions: Windows 11 Introduces Ads in the Start Menu

Windows 11 has recently introduced a new feature – ads in the Start Menu. This change allows Microsoft to display relevant ads to users based on their search history, preferences, and location. While some users may be hesitant about this new addition, it presents a new opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services to a broader audience.


How the Ads Work

The ads in the Windows 11 Start Menu are displayed as tiles that blend in with the other app tiles. These ads are identified with a small “Ad” label in the bottom left corner of the tile. When users click on the ad, they are redirected to a webpage where they can learn more about the product or service being advertised.

Benefits for Businesses

For businesses, the new ads in the Start Menu present a valuable opportunity to promote their products and services to a wider audience. The ads are based on the user’s search history, preferences, and location, making them more relevant to the user’s interests. This targeting can lead to higher click-through rates and ultimately, more sales.

Benefits for Users

While some users may be hesitant about the new ads, they can provide valuable information about products and services that users may not have known about otherwise. The ads in the Start Menu can help users discover new products, services, and deals that may be of interest to them. Additionally, the ads are non-intrusive and can be easily dismissed if the user is not interested.

The new ads in the Windows 11 Start Menu present a new opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services to a wider audience, concludes NIXsolutions. While some users may be hesitant about this new addition, it can provide valuable information about products and services that may be of interest to them. Whether you’re a business owner or a Windows 11 user, keep an eye out for these new ads and see how they can benefit you.